507.188. 1. If, after paying the attorney fee and theexpenses, the next friend or guardian ad litem has in his handsmoney or property of the minor in an amount equal to or less thanten thousand dollars, then the court may, if in its discretion itfinds it to be to the best interests of the minor to do so, orderthe next friend or guardian ad litem to pay, deposit, or deliverall or any part of such money or property in accordance with oneof the alternatives prescribed by subsection 1 of section475.330, RSMo. The provisions of chapters 473 and 475, RSMo,shall apply to any such payment, deposit, or delivery. In theevent of such order and payment, deposit, or delivery, the nextfriend or guardian ad litem shall file with the court or theclerk thereof a receipt from the person to whom the payment,deposit, or delivery was made evidencing such payment, deposit,or delivery. After such receipt has been filed and accepted bythe court or clerk thereof as authentic, then the court or clerkthereof may order the next friend or guardian ad litem dischargedand released from all of his duties and obligations and from hisbond. In the event such payment or delivery is to the minor,then the minor's signature upon the receipt shall be unavoidable,irrevocable and forever binding upon the minor.
2. If, after paying the attorney fee and the expenses, thenext friend or guardian ad litem has in his hands money orproperty of the minor in an amount in excess of ten thousanddollars, then the court shall order the next friend or guardianad litem to pay or transfer such money or property to a dulyappointed and qualified conservator of the minor. Upon suchpayment or transfer, the next friend or guardian ad litem shallfile with the court or the clerk thereof a receipt from suchconservator to whom such payment or transfer was made, evidencingsuch payment, with a certified copy of such conservator's lettersattached to such receipt. After such receipt has been filed andaccepted by the court as authentic, then the court shall orderthe next friend or guardian ad litem discharged and released fromall of his duties and obligations and from his bond.
(L. 1959 H.B. 537 ยง 507.187, A.L. 1977 S.B. 142 & 433, A.L. 1983 S.B. 44 & 45, A.L. 1984 S.B. 424, A.L. 1985 S.B. 35, et al.)