510.265. 1. No award of punitive damages against any defendant shallexceed the greater of:
(1) Five hundred thousand dollars; or
(2) Five times the net amount of the judgment awarded to theplaintiff against the defendant.
Such limitations shall not apply if the state of Missouri is the plaintiffrequesting the award of punitive damages, or the defendant pleads guilty toor is convicted of a felony arising out of the acts or omissions pled bythe plaintiff.
2. The provisions of this section shall not apply to civil actionsbrought under section 213.111, RSMo, that allege a violation of section213.040, 213.045, 213.050, or 213.070, RSMo, to the extent that the allegedviolation of section 213.070, RSMo, relates to or involves a violation ofsection 213.040, 213.045, or 213.050, RSMo, or subdivision (3) of section213.070, RSMo, as it relates to housing.
(L. 2005 H.B. 393)CROSS REFERENCE:
Applicability of statute changes to cases filed after August 28, 2005, RSMo 538.305