511.540. If one or more plaintiffs in a judgment or decreeshall die before the same is satisfied or carried into effect,the judgment or decree, if concerning the personalty, shallsurvive to the executors or administrators of such deceasedparty, and if concerning real estate, to his or their heirs ordevisees; and execution may be sued out in the name of thesurviving plaintiff or plaintiffs, or legal representatives ofthe deceased plaintiff, for the benefit of himself or themselves,and the legal representatives of the deceased party; or thejudgment or decree may be revived in the name of such legalrepresentatives and the surviving plaintiffs, and execution suedout by them jointly.
(RSMo 1939 § 1281)Prior revisions: 1929 § 1116; 1919 § 1567; 1909 § 2136