514.330. The clerks who are responsible by law or court rule forcollecting court costs shall strictly examine the accounts of all courtcosts accruing during the progress of any civil suit pending in divisionsfor which they are responsible for collecting court costs, and shallcorrect the same if wrong in any manner, and shall thereupon enter theamount thereof upon their records; and if the person or persons and theirsureties for costs properly chargeable with such court costs shall neglector refuse to pay the amount thereof, and costs for issuing and serving thesame, within thirty days after demand, the clerk shall take such action tocollect such fees as provided by sections 488.010 to 488.020*, RSMo.
(RSMo 1939 § 13398, A. 1949 H.B. 2122, A.L. 1978 H.B. 1634, A.L. 1996 S.B. 869)Prior revisions: 1929 § 11776; 1919 § 10986; 1909 § 10690
Effective 7-1-97
*Original rolls contain "section 514.015" which was changed to effectuate the court cost bill.