516.070. Whenever any real estate, the equitable title towhich shall have emanated from the government more than tenyears, shall thereafter, on any date, be in the lawful possessionof any person, and which shall or might be claimed by another,and which shall not at such date have been in possession of thesaid person claiming or who might claim the same, or of anyoneunder whom he claims or might claim, for thirty consecutiveyears, and on which neither the said person claiming or who mightclaim the same nor those under whom he claims or might claim haspaid any taxes for all that period of time, the said personclaiming or who might claim such real estate shall, within oneyear from said date, bring his action to recover the same, and indefault thereof he shall be forever barred, and his right andtitle shall, ipso facto, vest in such possessor; provided,however, that in all cases such action may be brought at any timewithin one year from the date at which this section takes effectand goes into force.
(RSMo 1939 § 1008)Prior revisions: 1929 § 856; 1919 § 1311; 1909 § 1884