525.050. Notice of garnishment shall be served on a corporation, inwriting, by delivering such notice, or a copy thereof, only to a persondesignated by the corporation in a registered letter filed with the sheriff orofficer for collection in the corporation's county of primary business;provided, if such designated person is not available or if such designation isnot filed with the sheriff or officer of collection, then such notice may beserved upon the president, secretary, treasurer, cashier or other chief ormanaging officer of such corporation. Notice of garnishment may be served onrailroad corporations by delivering the same, or a copy thereof, to anystation or freight agent of such corporation, and on insurance companies notincorporated by or organized under the laws of this state, by delivering thesame, or a copy thereof, to the director of the department of insurance,financial institutions and professional registration.
(RSMo 1939 § 1564, A.L. 1945 p. 649, A.L. 1990 S.B. 834)Prior revisions: 1929 § 1400; 1919 § 1850; 1909 § 2417
(1971) Where sheriff's return reported service on the property claims manager at the North St. Louis County office of Allstate Insurance Company, a company organized under the laws of another state, it was fatally insufficient whether or not the claims manager was in charge of the office since he was neither the president, secretary, treasurer or cashier of Allstate, nor "other chief or managing officer of such corporation". Smith v. Bennett (A.), 472 S.W.2d 623.