525.160. Except as herein provided, no railroad corporationshall be required to make answer to any interrogatoriespropounded to it, in any action against any person to whom it maybe indebted on account of wages due for personal services, norshall any default or other liabilities attach because of itsfailure to so answer in such cases, where a writ of garnishmentwas issued or served in advance of the recovery by the plaintiffagainst the defendant, in any action for two hundred dollars orless; and any judgment rendered against any railroad corporationfor its said failure or refusal to make answer to any garnishmentso issued or served before the recovery of final judgment in theaction between the plaintiff and defendant in the cases mentionedin section 525.150 shall be void, and any officer entering saidjudgment or who may execute the same shall be taken andconsidered a trespasser and in addition thereto may be enjoinedby any court having jurisdiction; provided, this section shallnot apply when the debt or claim sued for was contracted oraccrued in this state; provided further, in such cases thepetition or statement filed in the cause and the writ or summonsof garnishment shall affirmatively show that the debt or claimsued for was contracted or accrued in this state and is owing toa bona fide citizen or resident of this state.
(RSMo 1939 § 1575)Prior revisions: 1929 § 1411; 1919 § 1861; 1909 § 2428