525.300. Wages earned out of this state, and payable out ofthis state, shall be exempt from garnishment in aid of attachmentin all cases where the cause of action arose or accrued out ofthis state, unless the defendant in the attachment suit ispersonally served with process; and if the writ of attachment isnot personally served on the defendant, the court issuing thewrit of attachment shall not entertain jurisdiction of the cause,but shall dismiss the suit at the cost of plaintiff. In allactions commenced in this state in which it is sought to garnishwages in aid of attachment, the petition or statement filed insuch cause and the writ of attachment shall affirmatively showthe place where the defendant resides and the place where thedebt is contracted and the cause of action arose.
(RSMo 1939 § 1589, A.L. 1945 p. 652)Prior revisions: 1929 § 1425; 1919 § 1875