527.290. 1. Public notice of such a change of name shall be given atleast three times in a newspaper published in the county where such personis residing, within twenty days after the order of court is made, and if nonewspaper is published in his or any adjacent county, then such noticeshall be given in a newspaper published in the city of St. Louis, or at theseat of government.
2. Public notice of such name change through publication as requiredin subsection 1 of this section shall not be required if the petitioner is:
(1) The victim of a crime, the underlying factual basis of which isfound by the court on the record to include an act of domestic violence, asdefined in section 455.200, RSMo;
(2) The victim of child abuse, as defined in section 210.110, RSMo;or
(3) The victim of abuse by a family or household member, as definedin section 455.010, RSMo.
(RSMo 1939 § 1708, A.L. 2004 S.B. 1211)Prior revisions: 1929 § 1544; 1919 § 1994; 1909 § 2558