528.020. 1. All persons in being who are vested, and allpersons in being who might or would have become vested, with anestate in said lands in case the event, condition, contingency orlapse of time upon which the same may be limited to vest in suchperson had happened or occurred at or immediately prior to thecommencement of such suit, shall be made parties plaintiff ordefendant therein; and no such person not party thereof shall bebound thereby; but the rule of representation of persons not inbeing by the person or persons of the same class in estate orrelated in estate in respect to the lands shall apply and allpersons not in being shall be bound in such cases by such ruleand as to and against all such persons both those in being andthose not in being such sale shall carry full title to saidlands.
2. In any case provided in this chapter to be brought if thepetition shall allege or it shall appear to the court at any timepending the suit that an interest or estate in the landconstituting the subject matter of the suit might vest in aperson or persons not in being and who may not be sorepresentable by persons in being of the same class or related inestate, then the court shall appoint some disinterested attorney,member of its bar, to represent and protect as a friend of thecourt the interests of such possible persons, and all such shallbe bound by the result of the suit.
(RSMo 1939 § 1711)Prior revision: 1929 § 1547