528.140. Upon judgment of partition in proceedings commencedunder this chapter, where the lands, tenements or hereditaments,or any portion thereof, sought to be divided as herein directed,shall have descended to any of the parties in interest, and thecourt shall not be satisfied either that the estate from whichthe same has descended has been finally settled, and all claimsagainst the same fully discharged, or that the personal property,or other real property not already partitioned, belonging to suchestate, is more than sufficient to pay all claims and demandsagainst the same, the order of distribution shall not apply tonor take effect upon any of the lands, tenements or hereditamentsallotted, or the share of the proceeds of any sale adjudged tothe parties whose interest shall have so descended, until suchestate shall have been finally settled and all claims against thesame fully discharged; and until such final settlement, theinterest of all parties in such lands, tenements orhereditaments, or in the proceeds of sale in cases where sale hasbeen ordered, shall remain and be subject to the claims againstthe same.
(RSMo 1939 § 1722)Prior revisions: 1929 § 1558; 1919 § 2006; 1909 § 2570