528.160. The court shall ascertain from the evidence, incase of a default, or from the confession of the parties, if theyappear, or from the verdict by which any issue of fact shall bedetermined, and shall declare the rights, titles and interests ofthe parties to such proceedings, petitioners as well asdefendants, and determine such rights, and give judgment thatpartition be made between such of them as shall have any righttherein accordingly.
(RSMo 1939 § 1724)Prior revisions: 1929 § 1560; 1919 § 2008; 1909 § 2572
(1974) Counsel for plaintiff acts for all parties and his fees are to be paid by both plaintiffs and defendants in proportion to their interest. All persons having an interest must be made parties. Billinger v. Jost (A.), 510 S.W.2d 57.