528.230. The commissioners, before proceeding to theexecution of their duties, shall make affidavit, before someofficer qualified to administer oaths, honestly and impartiallyto execute the trust reposed in them, which shall be returned andfiled with their report, and shall give at least five days'notice to each party to the suit, or his conservator or attorney,of the time when they will proceed to the performance of theirduties; and if any such party do not reside in any county inwhich any of the land is situate, and have no conservator orattorney therein, notice to such party may be served by postingsame in the office of the clerk of the court wherein the suit ispending at least five days before such time.
(RSMo 1939 § 1731, A.L. 1983 S.B. 44 & 45)Prior revisions: 1929 § 1567; 1919 § 2015; 1909 § 2579