531.050. In case any person, against whom any suchinformation in the nature of a quo warranto shall be prosecuted,shall be adjudged guilty of any usurpation of, or intrusion into,or unlawfully holding and executing any office or franchise, itmay be lawful for the court as well to give judgment of ousteragainst such person from any of the said offices or franchises,as to fine such person for his usurpation of, intruding into orunlawfully holding and executing any such office or franchise,and to give judgment that the relator in such information namedshall recover his costs of such prosecution; and if judgmentshall be given for the defendant in such information, he shallrecover his costs against such relator.
(RSMo 1939 § 1786)Prior revisions: 1929 § 1622; 1919 § 2070; 1909 § 2635