532.370. In all cases where it shall appear from theevidence in any proceedings in habeas corpus, instituted betweenhusband and wife for the custody of their children under the ageof fourteen years, that by reason of insanity, drunkenness,cruelty, or other cause, the party against whom the complaint isbrought is unfit to have the care and government of the child orchildren in controversy, it shall be lawful for the court hearingsaid cause to award the custody of the same to the complainant orother guardian, as shall be deemed best in the premises, and tomake such other orders touching the custody and control of suchchild or children as the court may deem proper; and the order ordecree of court touching said custody shall be valid and remainin force during any period within the minority of said child orchildren, which shall be fixed by said court; and any person atany time violating said order or decree may be dealt withsummarily for contempt.
(RSMo 1939 § 1659)Prior revisions: 1929 § 1495; 1919 § 1945; 1909 § 2510