532.480. If the prisoner be held to answer for a bailableoffense, the court shall determine in what sum bail shall begiven, and shall cause the prisoner to enter into a recognizance,with sufficient sureties, which recognizance shall be taken,certified and returned as provided by law in like cases; and ifthe prisoner does not give the required bail, the court shallmake an order remanding him, and shall, by such order, designatethe sum in which bail shall be taken, and the court at which heis required to appear, and that, on such bail being entered into,in conformity with such order and the provisions of law, theprisoner shall be discharged.
(RSMo 1939 § 1630, A.L. 1978 H.B. 1634)Prior revisions: 1929 § 1466; 1919 § 1916; 1909 § 2481
Effective 1-2-79