532.560. If the officer, or person upon whom the writ ofhabeas corpus shall be duly served, shall refuse or neglect toobey the same, by producing the party named in the writ, andmaking a full and explicit return to such court, within the timerequired by this chapter, and no sufficient excuse for suchrefusal or neglect be shown, the court or officer before whomsuch writ shall have been made returnable shall, upon due proofof service thereof, forthwith issue an attachment against thedelinquent, directed to the sheriff of any county within thisstate, commanding him forthwith to apprehend such delinquent, andto bring him immediately before such court or officer.
(RSMo 1939 § 1608)Prior revisions: 1929 § 1444; 1919 § 1894; 1909 § 2459