536.060. Contested cases and other matters involving licensees andlicensing agencies described in section 621.045, RSMo, may be informallyresolved by consent agreement or agreed settlement or may be resolved bystipulation, consent order, or default, or by agreed settlement where suchsettlement is permitted by law. Nothing contained in sections 536.060 to536.095 shall be construed (1) to impair the power of any agency to takelawful summary action in those matters where a contested case is notrequired by law, or (2) to prevent any agency authorized to do so fromassisting claimants or other parties in any proper manner, or (3) toprevent the waiver by the parties (including, in a proper case, the agency)of procedural requirements which would otherwise be necessary before finaldecision, or (4) to prevent stipulations or agreements among the parties(including, in a proper case, the agency).
(L. 1945 p. 1504 § 6, A.L. 1957 p. 748 § 536.090, A.L. 1995 S.B. 3)CROSS REFERENCE:
Workers' compensation cases, this section not deemed to govern discovery between parties, RSMo 287.811