536.120. Pending the filing and final disposition ofproceedings for review under sections 536.100 to 536.140, theagency may stay the enforcement of its order and may temporarilygrant or extend relief denied or withheld. Any court in whichsuch proceedings for review may be pending may issue allnecessary and appropriate process to stay or require the agencyto stay the enforcement of its order or temporarily to grant orextend or require the agency temporarily to grant or extendrelief denied or withheld, pending the final disposition of suchproceedings for review. Such stay or other temporary relief by areviewing court may be conditioned upon such terms as shallappear to the court to be proper. No such stay or temporaryrelief shall be granted by a reviewing court without notice,except in cases of threatened irreparable injury; and when in anycase a stay or other temporary relief is granted without noticethe court shall then make an order, of which due notice shall begiven, setting the matter down for hearing as promptly aspossible on the question whether such stay or other temporaryrelief shall be continued in effect. No such stay or othertemporary relief shall be granted or continued unless the courtis satisfied that the public interest will not be prejudicedthereby.
(L. 1945 p. 1504 ยง 10)