536.310. 1. The board shall:
(1) Provide state agencies with input regarding rules that adverselyaffect small businesses;
(2) Solicit input and conduct hearings from small business owners andstate agencies regarding any rules proposed by a state agency; and
(3) Provide an evaluation report to the governor and the generalassembly, including any recommendations and evaluations of state agenciesregarding regulatory fairness for Missouri's small businesses. The reportshall include comments from small businesses, state agency responses, and asummary of any public testimony on rules brought before the board forconsideration.
2. In any inquiry conducted by the board because of a request from asmall business owner, the board may make recommendations to the stateagency. If the board makes recommendations, such recommendations shall bebased on any of the following grounds:
(1) The rule creates an undue barrier to the formation, operation,and expansion of small businesses in a manner that significantly outweighsthe rule's benefits to the public; or
(2) New or significant economic information indicates the proposedrule would create an undue impact on small businesses; or
(3) Technology, economic conditions, or other relevant factorsjustifying the purpose for the rule has changed or no longer exists; or
(4) If the rule was adopted after August 28, 2004, whether the actualeffect on small businesses was not reflected in or significantly exceededthe small business impact statement submitted prior to the adoption of therules.
(L. 2004 H.B. 978, A.L. 2005 H.B. 576)