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542.416. Reports to state courts administrator required, when, contents, who must report--state courts administrator to report to general assembly, when--rules and regulations.

Reports to state courts administrator required, when, contents, whomust report--state courts administrator to report to general assembly,when--rules and regulations.

542.416. 1. Within thirty days after the expiration of an order oreach extension thereof entered pursuant to the provisions of section542.408, the issuing court shall report to the state courts administrator:

(1) The fact that an order or extension was applied for;

(2) The kind of order or extension applied for;

(3) The fact that the order or extension was granted as applied for,was modified, or was denied;

(4) The period of interceptions authorized by the order, and thenumber and duration of any extensions of the order;

(5) The offense specified in the order or application, or extensionof an order;

(6) The identity of the applying investigative officer or lawenforcement officer and agency making the application and the personauthorizing the application; and

(7) The nature of the facilities from which or the place wherecommunications were to be intercepted.

2. In January of each year, the principal prosecuting attorney forany political subdivision of the state shall report to the state courtsadministrator:

(1) The information required by subdivisions (1) through (7) ofsubsection 1 of this section with respect to each application for an orderor extension made during the preceding calendar year;

(2) A general description of the interceptions made under such orderor extension, including:

(a) The approximate nature and frequency of incriminatingcommunications intercepted;

(b) The approximate nature and frequency of other communicationsintercepted;

(c) The approximate number of persons whose communications wereintercepted; and

(d) The approximate nature, amount, and cost of the manpower andother resources used in the interceptions;

(3) The number of arrests resulting from interceptions made undersuch order or extension, and the offenses for which arrests were made;

(4) The number of trials resulting from such interceptions;

(5) The number of motions to suppress made with respect to suchinterceptions, and the number granted or denied;

(6) The number of convictions resulting from such interceptions andthe offenses for which the convictions were obtained and a generalassessment of the importance of the interceptions; and

(7) The information required by subdivisions (2) through (6) of thissubsection with respect to orders or extensions obtained in the precedingcalendar year.

3. In April of each year the state courts administrator shalltransmit to the Missouri general assembly a full and complete reportconcerning the number of applications for orders authorizing or approvingthe interception of wire communications and the number of orders andextensions granted or denied during the preceding calendar year. Suchreport shall include a summary and analysis of the data required to befiled with the state courts administrator by subsections 1 and 2 of thissection. The state courts administrator may promulgate rules andregulations dealing with the content and form of the reports required to befiled by subsections 1 and 2 of this section.

(L. 1989 H.B. 277, et al. ยง 9, A.L. 2002 S.B. 712)

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