545.330. The defendant shall be entitled to process forwitnesses to be issued and directed to the sheriff of the countyin which such witnesses may be; but all the witnesses in the samecounty shall be included in one subpoena, and no subsequentsubpoena shall be issued for any witness, unless the court inwhich the cause is pending or the judge or associate circuitjudge, shall for good cause shown, order a subpoena for anotherwitness; or if, in absence of the judge, the defendant shall filewith the clerk his affidavit that other witnesses ordered by himare material and positively necessary in his behalf, to a fulland complete adjudication of the case, the clerk shall issuesubpoenas for such witness.
(RSMo 1939 § 4231)Prior revisions: 1929 § 3836; 1919 § 4179; 1909 § 5387
Compulsory process for witnesses, right of defendant, Const. Art. I § 18
Habeas corpus ad testificandum in criminal cases generally, RSMo 491.230 to 491.270