556.021. 1. An offense defined by this code or by any other statuteof this state constitutes an infraction if it is so designated or if aviolation of the statute can result only in a fine, forfeiture, or othercivil penalty, or any combination thereof.
2. A determination of whether an infraction has occurred shall bemade by the filing of a civil action. The action shall be filed by aperson who is authorized to bring a criminal action or an action to enforcean ordinance if the conduct constituted a crime or ordinance violation.The action shall be brought in the name of the state of Missouri orappropriate political subdivision. An infraction violation shall be provenby a preponderance of the evidence but shall not be tried to a jury. If aninfraction violation is proven, judgment shall be entered for theplaintiff.
3. Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, itshall be the duty of the operator or driver of any vehicle or the rider ofany animal traveling on the roads of this state to stop on signal of anylaw enforcement officer and to obey any other reasonable signal ordirection of such law enforcement officer given in the course of enforcingany infraction. Any person who willfully fails or refuses to obey anysignal or direction of a law enforcement officer given in the course ofenforcing any infraction, or who willfully resists or opposes a lawenforcement officer in the proper discharge of his or her duties in thecourse of enforcing any infraction, shall be guilty of a class Amisdemeanor and on plea or finding of guilt thereof shall be punished asprovided by law for such offenses.
4. The supreme court of Missouri may promulgate rules for theenforcement of this section.
(L. 1977 S.B. 60, A.L. 2009 H.B. 683)