559.100. 1. The circuit courts of this state shall have power,herein provided, to place on probation or to parole persons convicted ofany offense over which they have jurisdiction, except as otherwise providedin sections 195.275 to 195.296, RSMo, section 558.018, RSMo, section559.115, section 565.020, RSMo, sections 566.030, 566.060, 566.067,566.151, and 566.213, RSMo, section 571.015, RSMo, and subsection 3 ofsection 589.425, RSMo.
2. The circuit court shall have the power to revoke the probation orparole previously granted and commit the person to the department ofcorrections. The circuit court shall determine any conditions of probationor parole for the defendant that it deems necessary to ensure thesuccessful completion of the probation or parole term, including theextension of any term of supervision for any person while on probation orparole. The circuit court may require that the defendant pay restitutionfor his crime. The probation or parole may be revoked for failure to payrestitution or for failure to conform his behavior to the conditionsimposed by the circuit court. The circuit court may, in its discretion,credit any period of probation or parole as time served on a sentence.
(L. 1990 H.B. 974, A.L. 2006 H.B. 1698, et al.)Effective 6-05-06