559.311. The board shall have power to make all neededrules and regulations concerning terms and conditions of paroleand applications for parole as herein provided, but no formal ortechnical form of application therefor shall be required. Theboard so constituted shall hold regular meetings at least oncein each week and more often if they shall deem it necessary, andall records, hearings and proceedings of the board shall bepublic and open to the inspection of the public. Whenevereither of the members of the board of parole from any causeshall be unable to be present at any meeting or meetings of theboard the attorneys of the court who are present but not less innumber than five may elect one of its members then in attendancehaving the qualifications of a circuit judge to act as atemporary member of the board in the place of the member who isabsent and the attorney together with the regular member of theboard who is present shall have power to hear and determine allapplications for parole.
(L. 1990 H.B. 974 ยง 559.310)