559.607. 1. Judges of the municipal division in any circuit, actingthrough a chief or presiding judge, either may contract with a private orpublic entity or may employ any qualified person to serve as the city'sprobation officer to provide probation and rehabilitation services forpersons placed on probation for violation of any ordinance of the city,specifically including the offense of operating or being in physicalcontrol of a motor vehicle while under the influence of intoxicating liquoror narcotic drugs. The contracting city shall not be required to pay forany part of the cost of probation and rehabilitation services authorizedunder sections 559.600 to 559.615. Persons found guilty or pleading guiltyto ordinance violations and placed on probation by municipal or city courtjudges shall contribute a service fee to the court in the amount set forthin section 559.604 to pay the cost of their probation supervision providedby a probation officer employed by the court or by a contract probationofficer as provided for in section 559.604.
2. When approved by municipal court judges in the municipal division,the application, judicial order of approval, and the contract shall beforwarded to and filed with the board of probation and parole. Thecourt-approved private or public entity or probation officer employed bythe court shall then function as the probation office for the city,pursuant to the terms of the contract or conditions of employment and theterms of probation ordered by the judge. Any city in this state whichpresently does not have probation services available for persons convictedof its ordinance violations, or that contracts out those services with aprivate entity, may, under the procedures authorized in sections 559.600 to559.615, contract with and continue to contract with a private entity oremploy any qualified person and contract with the municipal division toprovide such probation supervision and rehabilitation services.
(L. 1992 S.B. 540 ยง 1 subsecs. 4, 5, A.L. 2005 H.B. 58 merged with H.B. 353)