562.071. 1. It is an affirmative defense that the defendantengaged in the conduct charged to constitute an offense becausehe was coerced to do so, by the use of, or threatened imminentuse of, unlawful physical force upon him or a third person, whichforce or threatened force a person of reasonable firmness in hissituation would have been unable to resist.
2. The defense of "duress" as defined in subsection 1 is notavailable:
(1) As to the crime of murder;
(2) As to any offense when the defendant recklessly placeshimself in a situation in which it is probable that he will besubjected to the force or threatened force described insubsection 1.
(L. 1977 S.B. 60)Effective 1-1-79
(1984) Duress is not available as a defense to first degree felony murder. State v. Rumble (Mo.banc), 680 S.W.2d 939.