565.085. 1. An offender or prisoner commits the crime of endangeringa corrections employee, a visitor to a correctional facility, or anotheroffender or prisoner if he or she attempts to cause or knowingly causessuch person to come into contact with blood, seminal fluid, urine, feces,or saliva.
2. For the purposes of this section, the following terms mean:
(1) "Corrections employee", a person who is an employee, orcontracted employee of a subcontractor, of a department or agencyresponsible for operating a jail, prison, correctional facility, or sexualoffender treatment center or a person who is assigned to work in a jail,prison, correctional facility, or sexual offender treatment center;
(2) "Offender", a person in the custody of the department ofcorrections;
(3) "Prisoner", a person confined in a county or city jail.
3. Endangering a corrections employee, a visitor to a correctionalfacility, or another offender or prisoner is a class D felony unless thesubstance is unidentified in which case it is a class A misdemeanor. If anoffender or prisoner is knowingly infected with the human immunodeficiencyvirus (HIV), hepatitis B or hepatitis C and exposes another person HIV orhepatitis B or hepatitis C by committing the crime of endangering acorrections employee, a visitor to a correctional facility, or anotheroffender or prisoner, it is a class C felony.
(L. 2005 H.B. 700)