565.140. 1. A person does not commit false imprisonmentunder section 565.130 if the person restrained is a child underthe age of seventeen and
(1) A parent, guardian or other person responsible for thegeneral supervision of the child's welfare has consented to therestraint; or
(2) The actor is a relative of the child; and
(a) The actor's sole purpose is to assume control of thechild; and
(b) The child is not taken out of the state of Missouri.
2. For the purpose of this section, "relative" means aparent or stepparent, ancestor, sibling, uncle or aunt, includingan adoptive relative of the same degree through marriage oradoption.
3. The defendant shall have the burden of injecting theissue of a defense under this section.
(L. 1977 S.B. 60)Effective 1-1-79