565.214. 1. A person commits the crime of vulnerable person abuse inthe third degree if he or she:
(1) Knowingly causes or attempts to cause physical contact with anyvulnerable person as defined in section 630.005, RSMo, knowing the otherperson will regard the contact as harmful or offensive; or
(2) Purposely engages in conduct involving more than one incidentthat causes grave emotional distress to a vulnerable person, as defined insection 630.005, RSMo. The result of the conduct shall be such as wouldcause a vulnerable person, as defined in section 630.005, RSMo, to suffersubstantial emotional distress; or
(3) Purposely or knowingly places a vulnerable person, as defined insection 630.005, RSMo, in apprehension of immediate physical injury; or
(4) Intentionally fails to provide care, goods or services to avulnerable person, as defined in section 630.005, RSMo. The result of theconduct shall be such as would cause a vulnerable person, as defined insection 630.005, RSMo, to suffer physical or emotional distress; or
(5) Knowingly acts or knowingly fails to act with malice in a mannerthat results in a grave risk to the life, body or health of a vulnerableperson, as defined in section 630.005, RSMo; or
(6) Is a person who is a vendor, provider, agent, or employee of adepartment operated, funded, licensed, or certified program and engages insexual contact, as defined by subdivision (3) of section 566.010, RSMo, orsexual intercourse, as defined by subdivision (4) of section 566.010, RSMo,with a vulnerable person.
2. Vulnerable person abuse in the third degree is a class Amisdemeanor.
3. Actions done in good faith and without gross negligence that aredesigned to protect the safety of the individual and the safety of others,or are provided within accepted standards of care and treatment, shall notbe considered as abuse of a vulnerable person as defined in this section.
4. Nothing in this section shall be construed to mean that avulnerable person is abused solely because such person chooses to rely onspiritual means through prayer, in lieu of medical care, for his or herhealth care, as evidenced by the vulnerable person's explicit consent,advance directive for health care, or practice.
(L. 2007 S.B. 3)