568.010. 1. A married person commits the crime of bigamy ifhe:
(1) Purports to contract another marriage; or
(2) Cohabits in this state after a bigamous marriage inanother jurisdiction.
2. A married person does not commit bigamy if, at the timeof the subsequent marriage ceremony, he reasonably believes thathe is legally eligible to remarry.
3. The defendant shall have the burden of injecting theissue of reasonable belief of eligibility to remarry.
4. An unmarried person commits the crime of bigamy if he
(1) Purports to contract marriage knowing that the otherperson is married; or
(2) Cohabits in this state after a bigamous marriage inanother jurisdiction.
5. Bigamy is a class A misdemeanor.
(L. 1977 S.B. 60)Effective 1-1-79