569.145. In addition to the posting of real property as set forth insection 569.140, the owner or lessee of any real property may post theproperty by placing identifying purple marks on trees or posts around thearea to be posted. Each purple mark shall be:
(1) A vertical line of at least eight inches in length and the bottomof the mark shall be no less than three feet nor more than five feet high.Such marks shall be placed no more than one hundred feet apart and shall bereadily visible to any person approaching the property; or
(2) A post capped or otherwise marked on at least its top two inches.The bottom of the cap or mark shall be not less than three feet but notmore than five feet six inches high. Posts so marked shall be placed notmore than thirty-six feet apart and shall be readily visible to any personapproaching the property. Prior to applying a cap or mark which isvisible from both sides of a fence shared by different property owners orlessees, all such owners or lessees shall concur in the decision to posttheir own property.
Property so posted is to be considered posted for all purposes, and anyunauthorized entry upon the property is trespass in the first degree, and aclass B misdemeanor.
(L. 1993 S.B. 84, A.L. 2009 S.B. 398)