570.155. 1. It shall be unlawful:
(1) For any person to give, promise or offer to anyprofessional or amateur baseball, football, hockey, polo, tennisor basketball player or boxer or any player who participates orexpects to participate in any professional or amateur game orsport or any jockey, driver, groom or any person participating orexpecting to participate in any horse race, including owners ofrace tracks and their employees, stewards, trainers, judges,starters or special policemen, or to any manager, coach ortrainer of any team or participant or prospective participant inany such game, contest or sport, any valuable thing with intentto influence him to lose or try to lose or cause to be lost or tolimit his or his team's margin of victory in a baseball,football, hockey or basketball game, boxing, tennis or polo matchor a horse race or any professional or amateur sport, or game, inwhich such player or participant or jockey or driver, is takingpart or expects to take part, or has any duty or connectiontherewith;
(2) For any professional or amateur baseball, football,hockey, basketball, tennis or polo player, boxer, or jockey,driver, or groom or participant or prospective participant in anysport or game, or manager, coach or trainer of any team orindividual participant or prospective participant in any suchgame, contest or sport to accept, attempt to obtain, or tosolicit any valuable thing to influence him to lose or try tolose or cause to be lost or to limit his or his team's margin ofvictory in a baseball, football, hockey or basketball game orboxing, tennis, or polo match, or horse race or any game or sportin which he is taking part, or expects to take part, or has anyduty or connection therewith.
2. (1) Any person violating the provisions of subdivision(1) of subsection 1 shall be deemed guilty of a felony, and, uponconviction thereof, shall be punished by imprisonment in thepenitentiary for a term of not to exceed ten years or byimprisonment in the county jail for a period not to exceed oneyear, or by a fine not to exceed ten thousand dollars or by bothsuch fine and imprisonment;
(2) Any person violating the provisions of subdivision (2)of subsection 1 shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor.
(RSMo 1939 § 4822, A.L. 1953 p. 419)Prior revision: 1929 § 4429
*Transferred 1978; formerly 563.810