570.210. 1. A person commits the crime of library theft if with thepurpose to deprive, such person:
(1) Knowingly removes any library material from the premises of alibrary without authorization; or
(2) Borrows or attempts to borrow any library material from a libraryby use of a library card:
(a) Without the consent of the person to whom it was issued; or
(b) Knowing that the library card is revoked, canceled or expired; or
(c) Knowing that the library card is falsely made, counterfeit ormaterially altered; or
(3) Borrows library material from any library pursuant to anagreement or procedure established by the library which requires the returnof such library material and, with the purpose to deprive the library ofthe library material, fails to return the library material to the library;or
(4) Knowingly writes on, injures, defaces, tears, cuts, mutilates, ordestroys a book, document, or other library material belonging to, on loanto, or otherwise in the custody of a library.
2. It shall be prima facie evidence of the person's purpose todeprive the library of the library materials if, within ten days afternotice in writing deposited as certified mail from the library demandingthe return of such library material, such person without good cause shownfails to return the library material. A person is presumed to havereceived the notice required by this subsection if the library mails suchnotice to the last address provided to the library by such person. Paymentto the library, in an amount equal to the fair market value of an item ofno historical significance shall be considered returning the item forpurposes of this subsection.
3. The crime of library theft is a class C misdemeanor if the valueof the library materials is less than five hundred dollars. The crime oflibrary theft is a class C felony if the value of the library material isbetween five hundred dollars and twenty-five thousand dollars. The crimeof library theft is a class B felony if the value of the library materialis greater than twenty-five thousand dollars.
(L. 1986 S.B. 450, A.L. 2002 H.B. 1888, A.L. 2004 S.B. 1211)