570.224. 1. A person commits the crime of trafficking in stolenidentities when such person manufactures, sells, transfers, purchases, orpossesses, with intent to sell or transfer means of identification asdefined in subsection 2 of section 570.223, for the purpose of committingidentity theft.
2. Possession of five or more means of identification of the sameperson or possession of means of identification of five or more separatepersons shall be evidence that the identities are possessed with intent tomanufacture, sell, or transfer means of identification for the purpose ofcommitting identity theft. In determining possession of five or more meansof identification of the same person, or possession of means ofidentification of five or more separate persons for the purposes ofevidence pursuant to this subsection, the following do not apply:
(1) The possession of his or her own identification documents;
(2) The possession of the identification documents of a person whohas consented to the person at issue possessing his or her identificationdocuments.
3. Trafficking in stolen identities is a class B felony.
(L. 2004 H.B. 916, A.L. 2004 H.B. 959)