571.020. 1. A person commits a crime if such person knowinglypossesses, manufactures, transports, repairs, or sells: (1) An explosiveweapon;
(2) An explosive, incendiary or poison substance or material with thepurpose to possess, manufacture or sell an explosive weapon;
(3) A machine gun;
(4) A gas gun;
(5) A short barreled rifle or shotgun;
(6) A firearm silencer;
(7) A switchblade knife;
(8) A bullet or projectile which explodes or detonates upon impactbecause of an independent explosive charge after having been shot from afirearm; or
(9) Knuckles.
2. A person does not commit a crime pursuant to this section if hisconduct:
(1) Was incident to the performance of official duty by the armedforces, national guard, a governmental law enforcement agency, or a penalinstitution; or
(2) Was incident to engaging in a lawful commercial or businesstransaction with an organization enumerated in subdivision (1) of thissection; or
(3) Was incident to using an explosive weapon in a manner reasonablyrelated to a lawful industrial or commercial enterprise; or
(4) Was incident to displaying the weapon in a public museum orexhibition; or
(5) Was incident to dealing with the weapon solely as a curio,ornament, or keepsake, or to using it in a manner reasonably related to alawful dramatic performance; but if the weapon is a type described insubdivision (1) or (4) of subsection 1 of this section it must be in such anonfunctioning condition that it cannot readily be made operable. No shortbarreled rifle, short barreled shotgun, machine gun, or firearm silencermay be possessed, manufactured, transported, repaired or sold as a curio,ornament, or keepsake, unless such person is an importer, manufacturer,dealer, or collector licensed by the Secretary of the Treasury pursuant tothe Gun Control Act of 1968, U.S.C., Title 18, or unless such firearm is anantique firearm as defined in subsection 3 of section 571.080, or unlesssuch firearm has been designated a collectors item by the Secretary of theTreasury pursuant to the U.S.C., Title 26, Section 5845(a).
3. A crime pursuant to subdivision (1), (2), (3), (4), (5) or (6) ofsubsection 1 of this section is a class C felony; a crime pursuant tosubdivision (7), (8) or (9) of subsection 1 of this section is a class Amisdemeanor.
(L. 1981 H.B. 296, A.L. 2002 S.B. 712, A.L. 2008 H.B. 2034)CROSS REFERENCE:
Illegal fireworks, possession, sale, manufacture or transportation of, penalty, RSMo 320.136