571.107. 1. A concealed carry endorsement issued pursuant tosections 571.101 to 571.121 or a concealed carry endorsement or permitissued by another state or political subdivision of another state shallauthorize the person in whose name the permit or endorsement is issued tocarry concealed firearms on or about his or her person or vehiclethroughout the state. No driver's license or nondriver's licensecontaining a concealed carry endorsement issued pursuant to sections571.101 to 571.121 or a concealed carry endorsement or permit issued byanother state or political subdivision of another state shall authorize anyperson to carry concealed firearms into:
(1) Any police, sheriff, or highway patrol office or station withoutthe consent of the chief law enforcement officer in charge of that officeor station. Possession of a firearm in a vehicle on the premises of theoffice or station shall not be a criminal offense so long as the firearm isnot removed from the vehicle or brandished while the vehicle is on thepremises;
(2) Within twenty-five feet of any polling place on any election day.Possession of a firearm in a vehicle on the premises of the polling placeshall not be a criminal offense so long as the firearm is not removed fromthe vehicle or brandished while the vehicle is on the premises;
(3) The facility of any adult or juvenile detention or correctionalinstitution, prison or jail. Possession of a firearm in a vehicle on thepremises of any adult, juvenile detention, or correctional institution,prison or jail shall not be a criminal offense so long as the firearm isnot removed from the vehicle or brandished while the vehicle is on thepremises;
(4) Any courthouse solely occupied by the circuit, appellate orsupreme court, or any courtrooms, administrative offices, libraries orother rooms of any such court whether or not such court solely occupies thebuilding in question. This subdivision shall also include, but not belimited to, any juvenile, family, drug, or other court offices, any room oroffice wherein any of the courts or offices listed in this subdivision aretemporarily conducting any business within the jurisdiction of such courtsor offices, and such other locations in such manner as may be specified bysupreme court rule pursuant to subdivision (6) of this subsection. Nothingin this subdivision shall preclude those persons listed in subdivision (1)of subsection 2 of section 571.030 while within their jurisdiction and onduty, those persons listed in subdivisions (2) and (4) of subsection 2 ofsection 571.030, or such other persons who serve in a law enforcementcapacity for a court as may be specified by supreme court rule pursuant tosubdivision (6) of this subsection from carrying a concealed firearm withinany of the areas described in this subdivision. Possession of a firearm ina vehicle on the premises of any of the areas listed in this subdivisionshall not be a criminal offense so long as the firearm is not removed fromthe vehicle or brandished while the vehicle is on the premises;
(5) Any meeting of the governing body of a unit of local government;or any meeting of the general assembly or a committee of the generalassembly, except that nothing in this subdivision shall preclude a memberof the body holding a valid concealed carry endorsement from carrying aconcealed firearm at a meeting of the body which he or she is a member.Possession of a firearm in a vehicle on the premises shall not be acriminal offense so long as the firearm is not removed from the vehicle orbrandished while the vehicle is on the premises;
(6) The general assembly, supreme court, county or municipality mayby rule, administrative regulation, or ordinance prohibit or limit thecarrying of concealed firearms by endorsement holders in that portion of abuilding owned, leased or controlled by that unit of government. Anyportion of a building in which the carrying of concealed firearms isprohibited or limited shall be clearly identified by signs posted at theentrance to the restricted area. The statute, rule or ordinance shallexempt any building used for public housing by private persons, highways orrest areas, firing ranges, and private dwellings owned, leased, orcontrolled by that unit of government from any restriction on the carryingor possession of a firearm. The statute, rule or ordinance shall notspecify any criminal penalty for its violation but may specify that personsviolating the statute, rule or ordinance may be denied entrance to thebuilding, ordered to leave the building and if employees of the unit ofgovernment, be subjected to disciplinary measures for violation of theprovisions of the statute, rule or ordinance. The provisions of thissubdivision shall not apply to any other unit of government;
(7) Any establishment licensed to dispense intoxicating liquor forconsumption on the premises, which portion is primarily devoted to thatpurpose, without the consent of the owner or manager. The provisions ofthis subdivision shall not apply to the licensee of said establishment.The provisions of this subdivision shall not apply to any bona fiderestaurant open to the general public having dining facilities for not lessthan fifty persons and that receives at least fifty-one percent of itsgross annual income from the dining facilities by the sale of food. Thissubdivision does not prohibit the possession of a firearm in a vehicle onthe premises of the establishment and shall not be a criminal offense solong as the firearm is not removed from the vehicle or brandished while thevehicle is on the premises. Nothing in this subdivision authorizes anyindividual who has been issued a concealed carry endorsement to possess anyfirearm while intoxicated;
(8) Any area of an airport to which access is controlled by theinspection of persons and property. Possession of a firearm in a vehicleon the premises of the airport shall not be a criminal offense so long asthe firearm is not removed from the vehicle or brandished while the vehicleis on the premises;
(9) Any place where the carrying of a firearm is prohibited byfederal law;
(10) Any higher education institution or elementary or secondaryschool facility without the consent of the governing body of the highereducation institution or a school official or the district school board.Possession of a firearm in a vehicle on the premises of any highereducation institution or elementary or secondary school facility shall notbe a criminal offense so long as the firearm is not removed from thevehicle or brandished while the vehicle is on the premises;
(11) Any portion of a building used as a child-care facility withoutthe consent of the manager. Nothing in this subdivision shall prevent theoperator of a child-care facility in a family home from owning orpossessing a firearm or a driver's license or nondriver's licensecontaining a concealed carry endorsement;
(12) Any riverboat gambling operation accessible by the publicwithout the consent of the owner or manager pursuant to rules promulgatedby the gaming commission. Possession of a firearm in a vehicle on thepremises of a riverboat gambling operation shall not be a criminal offenseso long as the firearm is not removed from the vehicle or brandished whilethe vehicle is on the premises;
(13) Any gated area of an amusement park. Possession of a firearm ina vehicle on the premises of the amusement park shall not be a criminaloffense so long as the firearm is not removed from the vehicle orbrandished while the vehicle is on the premises;
(14) Any church or other place of religious worship without theconsent of the minister or person or persons representing the religiousorganization that exercises control over the place of religious worship.Possession of a firearm in a vehicle on the premises shall not be acriminal offense so long as the firearm is not removed from the vehicle orbrandished while the vehicle is on the premises;
(15) Any private property whose owner has posted the premises asbeing off-limits to concealed firearms by means of one or more signsdisplayed in a conspicuous place of a minimum size of eleven inches byfourteen inches with the writing thereon in letters of not less than oneinch. The owner, business or commercial lessee, manager of a privatebusiness enterprise, or any other organization, entity, or person mayprohibit persons holding a concealed carry endorsement from carryingconcealed firearms on the premises and may prohibit employees, notauthorized by the employer, holding a concealed carry endorsement fromcarrying concealed firearms on the property of the employer. If thebuilding or the premises are open to the public, the employer of thebusiness enterprise shall post signs on or about the premises if carrying aconcealed firearm is prohibited. Possession of a firearm in a vehicle onthe premises shall not be a criminal offense so long as the firearm is notremoved from the vehicle or brandished while the vehicle is on thepremises. An employer may prohibit employees or other persons holding aconcealed carry endorsement from carrying a concealed firearm in vehiclesowned by the employer;
(16) Any sports arena or stadium with a seating capacity of fivethousand or more. Possession of a firearm in a vehicle on the premisesshall not be a criminal offense so long as the firearm is not removed fromthe vehicle or brandished while the vehicle is on the premises;
(17) Any hospital accessible by the public. Possession of a firearmin a vehicle on the premises of a hospital shall not be a criminal offenseso long as the firearm is not removed from the vehicle or brandished whilethe vehicle is on the premises.
2. Carrying of a concealed firearm in a location specified insubdivisions (1) to (17) of subsection 1 of this section by any individualwho holds a concealed carry endorsement issued pursuant to sections 571.101to 571.121 shall not be a criminal act but may subject the person to denialto the premises or removal from the premises. If such person refuses toleave the premises and a peace officer is summoned, such person may beissued a citation for an amount not to exceed one hundred dollars for thefirst offense. If a second citation for a similar violation occurs withina six-month period, such person shall be fined an amount not to exceed twohundred dollars and his or her endorsement to carry concealed firearmsshall be suspended for a period of one year. If a third citation for asimilar violation is issued within one year of the first citation, suchperson shall be fined an amount not to exceed five hundred dollars andshall have his or her concealed carry endorsement revoked and such personshall not be eligible for a concealed carry endorsement for a period ofthree years. Upon conviction of charges arising from a citation issuedpursuant to this subsection, the court shall notify the sheriff of thecounty which issued the certificate of qualification for a concealed carryendorsement and the department of revenue. The sheriff shall suspend orrevoke the certificate of qualification for a concealed carry endorsementand the department of revenue shall issue a notice of such suspension orrevocation of the concealed carry endorsement and take action to remove theconcealed carry endorsement from the individual's driving record. Thedirector of revenue shall notify the licensee that he or she must apply fora new license pursuant to chapter 302, RSMo, which does not contain suchendorsement. A concealed carry endorsement suspension pursuant to sections571.101 to 571.121 shall be reinstated at the time of the renewal of his orher driver's license. The notice issued by the department of revenue shallbe mailed to the last known address shown on the individual's drivingrecord. The notice is deemed received three days after mailing.
(L. 2003 H.B. 349, et al., ยง 571.094, subsecs. 20, 21, A.L. 2009 H.B. 132)