571.121. 1. Any person issued a concealed carry endorsement pursuantto sections 571.101 to 571.121 shall carry the concealed carry endorsementat all times the person is carrying a concealed firearm and shall displaythe concealed carry endorsement upon the request of any peace officer.Failure to comply with this subsection shall not be a criminal offense butthe concealed carry endorsement holder may be issued a citation for anamount not to exceed thirty-five dollars.
2. Notwithstanding any other provisions of law, the director ofrevenue, by carrying out his or her requirement to issue a driver's ornondriver's license reflecting that a concealed carry permit has beengranted, shall bear no liability and shall be immune from any claims fordamages resulting from any determination made regarding the qualificationof any person for such permit or for any actions stemming from the conductof any person issued such a permit. By issuing the permit on the driver'sor nondriver's license, the director of revenue is merely acting as ascrivener for any determination made by the sheriff that the person isqualified for the permit.
(L. 2003 H.B. 349, et al., § 571.094, subsecs. 38, 39)Effective 10-11-03; see § 21.250
*This bill was vetoed on July 3, 2003. The veto was overridden on September 11, 2003.