575.153. 1. A person commits the crime of disarming a peace officer,as defined in section 590.100, RSMo, or a correctional officer if suchperson intentionally:
(1) Removes a firearm or other deadly weapon from the person of apeace officer or correctional officer while such officer is acting withinthe scope of his or her official duties; or
(2) Deprives a peace officer or correctional officer of suchofficer's use of a firearm or deadly weapon while the officer is actingwithin the scope of his or her official duties.
2. The provisions of this section shall not apply when:
(1) The defendant does not know or could not reasonably have knownthat the person he or she disarmed was a peace officer or correctionalofficer; or
(2) The peace officer or correctional officer was engaged in anincident involving felonious conduct by the peace officer or correctionalofficer at the time the defendant disarmed such officer.
3. Disarming a peace officer or correctional officer is a class Cfelony.
(L. 2009 H.B. 62)