577.068. 1. A person commits the crime of leaving the scene of ashooting when, being in possession of a firearm or projectile weapon asdefined in section 571.010, RSMo, such person discharges such firearm orprojectile weapon and causes injury or death to another person and suchperson, knowing that he has caused such injury or death, leaves the placeof the shooting without giving his name, address, and driver's licensenumber, if applicable, to a law enforcement officer. If no such officer isin the vicinity where the shooting occurs, the person must provide suchinformation to the nearest police station or law enforcement officer. Aperson is not in violation of this section if he leaves the scene of ashooting in order to obtain medical assistance or contact law enforcementauthorities to notify them of the shooting, so long as such person returnsto the scene of the shooting or otherwise provides the information requiredby this section to a law enforcement officer within a reasonable time afterthe shooting.
2. All peace officers and reserve peace officers certified under theprovisions of chapter 590, RSMo, shall have authority to investigateshootings and arrest a person who violates subsection 1 of this section,except that conservation agents may enforce such provisions as to huntingrelated shootings. For the purpose of this section, a "hunting-relatedshooting" shall be defined as any shooting in which a person is injured asa result of hunting activity that involves the discharge of a huntingweapon.
3. Leaving the scene of a shooting is a class A misdemeanor, exceptthat it is a class D felony if the person has previously pled guilty to orbeen found guilty of a violation of this section.
(L. 1999 S.B. 328, et al.)