589.030. 1. The director of the department of public safety shallestablish within the department the "State Center for the Prevention andControl of Sexual Assault"*.
2. The director of the department of public safety, acting through thecenter, may, directly or by grant, carry out the following:
(1) A continuing study of sexual assault, including a study andinvestigation of:
(a) The effectiveness of existing state and local laws dealing withsexual assault;
(b) The relationship, if any, between traditional legal and socialattitudes toward sexual roles, the act of sexual assault and the formulationof laws dealing with sexual assault;
(c) The treatment of the victims of sexual assault by law enforcementagencies, hospitals and other medical institutions, prosecutors and thecourts;
(d) The causes of sexual assault, identifying, to the degree possible,the social conditions which encourage sexual assault and the motives of theoffenders;
(e) The impact of sexual assault on the victim and the family of thevictim;
(f) Sexual assault in correctional institutions;
(g) The actual incidence of sexual assault as compared to the reportedincidence of sexual assault and the reasons for any difference in suchincidences; and
(h) The effectiveness of existing private, local and state governmenteducational, counseling and other programs designed to prevent and controlsexual assault;
(2) The compilation, analysis and publication of summaries of thecontinuing study conducted under subdivision (1) of this subsection and theresearch and demonstration projects conducted under subdivision (5) of thissection. The director of the department of public safety shall annuallysubmit to the governor, the chief justice of the supreme court and the membersof the general assembly a summary of such study and projects together withrecommendations, where appropriate;
(3) The compilation and publication of training materials for personnelwho are engaged in, or who intend to engage in, programs designed to preventor control sexual assault;
(4) The development and maintenance of an information system with regardto the prevention and control of sexual assault, the treatment and counselingof the victims of sexual assault and their families, the rehabilitation ofoffenders and medical treatment;
(5) Assistance to community mental health centers and other qualifiedpublic and not-for-profit private entities in conducting research anddemonstration projects concerning the prevention and control of sexual assaultincluding, but not limited to, projects for:
(a) The planning, development, implementation, and evaluation ofalternative methods used in the prevention and control of sexual assault, thetreatment and counseling of the victims of sexual assault and their families,and the rehabilitation of offenders;
(b) For the application of such alternative methods; and
(c) For the promotion of community awareness of the specific locationsin which, and the specific social and other conditions under which, sexualassaults are most likely to occur;
(6) Establish and maintain a telephone service, operating at all times,capable of receiving calls made concerning incidents of sexual assault so thatcallers may be instructed as to what steps to take in reporting sexual assaultto the proper law enforcement authorities and where victims of sexual assaultcan receive counseling and assistance concerning incidents of sexual assault;
(7) Establish means whereby the existence of state and local programs toassist victims of sexual assault will be publicized to the public.
3. The center is hereby designated as the state sexual assault agencyfor all purposes of any federal sexual assault prevention act and may:
(1) Take all necessary and appropriate actions to obtain for this stateall benefits offered under any federal act dealing with sexual assault and itsprevention;
(2) Apply for and receive federal funds made available under any federalact;
(3) Participate, through its authorized representative, in proceedingsunder any federal act.
(L. 1980 H.B. 1138, et al. ยง 5)*Section 13 of H.B. 41, et al., 1981, established this center as a separate entity within the department of public safety. See section 589.035.