589.303. The "Missouri Crime Prevention Information Center"is hereby established within the department of public safety.The center, subject to appropriation and within the limits ofavailable funds from private sources, gifts, donations, or moneysgenerated by center-sponsored activities, may:
(1) Develop, plan and implement a comprehensive,long-range, integrated program which will mobilize all Missouriresidents, including the youth of this state, in a year-roundpreventive effort to reduce crime, violence, drug abuse anddelinquency;
(2) Provide a mechanism to support, unify, promote,implement, and evaluate crime prevention efforts;
(3) Act as an information clearinghouse for crimeprevention efforts;
(4) Provide a means by which law enforcement andprevention-related agencies, civilian personnel, and theeducation community may acquire the resource materials, technicalassistance, knowledge, and skills necessary to develop, implementand evaluate crime prevention and intervention programs;
(5) Provide ongoing, programmatic support to crimeprevention efforts of law enforcement and local crime preventionorganizations, enabling them to develop programs within theirjurisdiction or community;
(6) Assist law enforcement agencies and local crimeprevention organizations to increase the awareness ofcommunities, businesses, and governments regarding the need forcrime prevention while offering information on current and futureprogramming in their communities and in this state;
(7) Increase the availability of resource materials whichmay be utilized by local crime prevention programs, analyze data,evaluate needs, and develop specific crime prevention strategies;
(8) Act as a liaison between local, state, and nationalagencies concerning crime prevention issues;
(9) Coordinate efforts with any statewide associations ororganizations which are also concerned with reducing crime,violence, drug abuse, and delinquency and receive from suchassociations or organizations advice and direction for theoperation of the center and related activities;
(10) Operate as a resource for local governments and, uponthe request of any local agency, may:
(a) Provide technical assistance in the form of resourcedevelopment and distribution, consultation, community resourceidentification, utilization, training, and distribution,consultation, community resource identification, utilization,training, and promotion of crime prevention programs oractivities;
(b) Provide assistance in increasing the knowledge ofcommunity, business, and governmental leaders concerning thetheory and operation of crime prevention and how theirinvolvement will assist in efforts to prevent crime; and
(c) Provide resource materials to, and assistance indeveloping the skills of, law enforcement personnel, whichmaterials and skills are necessary to create successful crimeprevention strategies which meet the needs of specific regionsand communities throughout the state.
(L. 1994 S.B. 763)