589.310. 1. Subject to availability of funds within the Missouricrime prevention information and programming fund, the director, or hisdesignee, may contract with local law enforcement or prevention-relatedorganizations to assist in establishing or enhancing local crime preventionprograms. Such programs would include, but not be limited to:
(1) Community crime prevention;
(2) Drug abuse prevention in schools;
(3) Community-oriented policing;
(4) Family violence prevention;
(5) Juvenile delinquency prevention;
(6) Gang-related activity prevention;
(7) Gun violence prevention; and
(8) School violence prevention.
2. In awarding contracts for local government crime preventionprograms, the director or his designee shall place special emphasis onapplications which demonstrate the existence of a local government/schooldistrict partnership taking a proactive approach toward preventing crime bychildren and young adults under the age of twenty-one. Such evidence shallinclude a copy of the agreement between the local government and schooldistrict specifying the duties and obligations of each should a contract beawarded.
3. The state shall provide one-third of the funding for each contractawarded to a local government/school district partnership to operate alocal government crime prevention program. The local government orgovernments receiving the contract shall contribute one-third and theschool district or districts shall also contribute one-third.
4. The director, or his designee, shall ensure that the fundadministered under this section will not be used by any agency to supplantexisting funds which are presently being used for crime preventionprogramming. The department may, at its discretion, audit the expenditureof any contract funds awarded under this section.
5. The department shall promulgate such rules and regulations as arenecessary for the administration of sections 589.300 to 589.310, pursuantto chapter 536, RSMo, and section 650.005, RSMo.
(L. 1994 S.B. 763, A.L. 1995 H.B. 174, et al.)