590.050. 1. The POST commission shall establish requirements for thecontinuing education of all peace officers. Peace officers who maketraffic stops shall be required to receive three hours of training withinthe law enforcement continuing education three-year* reporting periodconcerning the prohibition against racial profiling and such training shallpromote understanding and respect for racial and cultural differences andthe use of effective, noncombative methods for carrying out law enforcementduties in a racially and culturally diverse environment.
2. The director shall license continuing education providers and mayprobate, suspend and revoke such licenses upon written notice stating thereasons for such action. Any person aggrieved by a decision of thedirector pursuant to this subsection may appeal as provided in chapter 536,RSMo.
3. The costs of continuing law enforcement education shall bereimbursed in part by moneys from the peace officer standards and trainingcommission fund created in section 590.178, subject to availability offunds, except that no such funds shall be used for the training of anyperson not actively commissioned or employed by a county or municipal lawenforcement agency.
4. The director may engage in any activity intended to further theprofessionalism of peace officers through training and education, includingthe provision of specialized training through the department of publicsafety.
(L. 2001 H.B. 80, A.L. 2008 H.B. 2224 merged with S.B. 930 & 947 merged with S.B. 932)*Word "hour" appears here in original rolls of S.B. 930 & 947, 2008, a typographical error.