600.021. 1. The commission shall employ persons to bepublic defenders for a term of four years. A public defendershall employ such persons to be assistant public defenders,deputy public defenders, investigators, and any other employeesas are necessary to discharge the function of the office, all ofwhom shall serve at the pleasure of the employing publicdefender. Circuit and regional public defenders holding officeon April 1, 1982, shall continue to hold such office until theexpiration of their terms under the direction of the director asotherwise described in this chapter. Public defenders may beappointed to serve additional terms by the commission.
2. Public defenders, assistant public defenders, and deputypublic defenders shall be attorneys, licensed to practice law inthis state, and shall not otherwise engage in the practice of lawexcept as authorized by this chapter or by commission rule.Public defenders, assistant public defenders and deputy publicdefenders may be employed on a full- or part-time basis.
3. The compensation of persons appointed under this sectionshall be fixed by the commission.
4. The commission may establish such local or regionaloffices as it deems necessary to properly carry out purposes ofthis chapter.
5. The commission may appoint, on recommendation of thedirector, and fix the compensation of all other personnelnecessary to the operation of the state public defender system.
6. The commission may contract with private attorneys toprovide defense services in such areas of the state and on suchterms as it deems appropriate.
(L. 1982 H.B. 1169, A.L. 1986 S.B. 451)