610.032. 1. If an executive agency's records are closed bylaw, it may not disclose any information contained in such closedrecords in any form that would allow identification of individualpersons or entities unless:
(1) Disclosure of such information is made to a person inthat person's official capacity representing an executive agencyand the disclosure is necessary for the requesting executiveagency to perform its constitutional or statutory duties; or
(2) Disclosure is otherwise required by law.
2. Notwithstanding any other provision of law to thecontrary, including, but not limited to, section 32.057, RSMo,such closed information may be disclosed pursuant to thissection; however, the providing executive agency may request, asa condition of disclosing such information, that the requestingexecutive agency submit:
(1) The constitutional or statutory duties necessitatingthe disclosure of such information;
(2) The name and official capacity of the person or personsto whom such information will be disclosed;
(3) An affirmation that such information will be used onlyin furtherance of such constitutional or statutory duties; and
(4) The date upon which the access is requested to begin,when the request is for continuous access.
3. Any executive agency receiving such a request for closedinformation shall keep the request on file and shall only releasesuch information to the person or persons listed on such request.If the request is for continuous access to such information, theexecutive agency shall honor the request for a period of one yearfrom the beginning date indicated on such request. If therequesting executive agency requests such information for morethan one year, the agency shall provide an updated request forclosed information to the providing executive agency uponexpiration of the initial request.
4. Any person receiving or releasing closed informationpursuant to this section shall be subject to any laws,regulations or standards of the providing executive agencyregarding the confidentiality or misuse of such information andshall be subject to any penalties provided by such laws,regulations or standards for the violation of the confidentialityor misuse of such information.
5. For the purposes of this section, "executive agency"means any administrative governmental entity created by theconstitution or statutes of this state under the executivebranch, including any department, agency, board, bureau, council,commission, committee, board of regents or board of curators ofany institution of higher learning supported in whole or in partby state funds, any subdivision of an executive agency, and anylegally designated agent of such entity.
(L. 1994 S.B. 685)Effective 5-10-94