610.035. No state entity shall publicly disclose any Social Securitynumber of a living person unless such disclosure is permitted by federallaw, federal regulation or state law or unless such disclosure isauthorized by the holder of that Social Security number or unless suchdisclosure is for use in connection with any civil, criminal,administrative or arbitral proceeding in any federal, state or local courtor agency or before any self-regulatory body, including the service ofprocess, investigation in anticipation of litigation and the execution orenforcement of judgments and orders, or pursuant to an order of a federal,state or local court. Notwithstanding any other provision of law to thecontrary, the disclosure of Social Security numbers of deceased personsshall be lawful, provided that the state agency disclosing the informationknows of no reason why such disclosure would prove detrimental to thedeceased individual's estate or harmful to the deceased individual's livingrelatives. For the purposes of this section, "publicly disclose" shall notinclude the use of any Social Security number by any state entity in theperformance of any statutory or constitutional duty or power or thedisclosure of any Social Security number to another state entity, politicalsubdivision, agency of the federal government, agency of another state orany private person or entity acting on behalf of, or in cooperation with, astate entity. Any person or entity receiving a Social Security number fromany entity shall be subject to the same confidentiality provisions as thedisclosing entity. For purposes of this section, "state entity" means anystate department, division, agency, bureau, board, commission, employee orany agent thereof. When responding to any requests for public informationpursuant to this chapter, any costs incurred by any state entity complyingwith the provisions of this section may be charged to the requester of suchinformation.
(L. 1998 H.B. 1043 ยง 1, A.L. 1999 H.B. 453)