620.157. The specific duties of the Missouri rural economicdevelopment council shall include, but not be limited to, thefollowing:
(1) Investigate and evaluate new methods to enhance ruraleconomic development in Missouri;
(2) Aid in the development of rural economic diversificationthrough private enterprises, including technologically innovativeindustries and value-added manufacturing;
(3) Adopt a comprehensive state rural investment guide;
(4) Make investments in rural economic development projectsto stimulate rural development and diversification, includinginvestments in applied technological research and agriculturaltechnology assistance and transfer, as allowed by appropriationsprovided by the general assembly;
(5) Make recommendations to the office of rural developmentfor the award of grants-in-aid under the rural communitiesassistance program, as provided for in section 620.163;
(6) Assist existing businesses and encourage new businesseswhich promote resource recovery, waste minimalization, andrecycling.
(L. 1989 H.B. 378 ยง 3)Expires 6-30-10