620.160. As used in sections 620.160 to 620.165, thefollowing terms mean:
(1) "Rural community", any city, town, or village having apopulation of fewer than fifteen thousand inhabitants located ina county that is not part of a standard metropolitan statisticalarea as defined by the United States Department of Commerce orits successor agency. However, any such city, town or villagelocated in a county so defined as a standard metropolitanstatistical area may be designated a rural community by theoffice of rural development if a substantial number of persons insuch county derive their income from agriculture and in anycounty where there is only one city within the county which has apopulation of more than fifteen thousand and which classifies asa standard metropolitan statistical area, all other cities, townsand villages in that county having a population of less thanfifteen thousand shall be designated as a rural community;
(2) "Sponsoring organization", any city government, countycommission, or industrial development corporation authorized bychapter 349, RSMo, located in a county specified in subdivision(1) of this section.
(L. 1989 H.B. 378 ยง 5)