620.163. 1. There is hereby established a "Rural CommunitiesEconomic Assistance Program", which shall be administered by the office ofrural development. Under the auspices of the rural communities economicassistance program and, until June 30, 2000, with the recommendations ofthe Missouri rural economic development council, the office of ruraldevelopment shall have the authority, until June 30, 2010, to makeavailable to qualifying rural communities grants-in-aid designed to achievethe goals stated in subsection 1 of section 620.161. The grants-in-aidawarded pursuant to this authority may be funded out of the general revenuefund or from any other available source allowed by law.
2. The office of rural development shall take applications forgrants-in-aid from sponsoring organizations on behalf of rural communities.The applications shall be designed by the office of rural development andshall contain information necessary to determine the potential economicbenefits of grants-in-aid to be awarded, as well as other informationdeemed necessary for the administration of this program.
3. The grants-in-aid to be awarded under the rural communitieseconomic development assistance program shall be distributed to not morethan twenty communities chosen by the office of rural development with therecommendations of the Missouri rural economic development council so longas it exists from the applications received prior to February twenty-eighthof each year. The grants-in-aid shall be distributed on July first of eachyear to such communities in an amount not to exceed thirty thousand dollarsper community. No community may receive grants-in-aid for more than twoconsecutive years. In order to qualify for a grant-in-aid from the officeof rural economic development, each community must match the amount of thegrant with local funds equal to one-third of the grant-in-aid.
4. The sponsoring organization of each community chosen to receive agrant-in-aid from the office of rural economic development shall providethe community with equipment, office space, telephone service, stationery,and such other office supplies and services as are necessary to accomplishthe goals set forth in subsection 1 of section 620.161 and in theapplication submitted to the office of rural economic development. Theprovision of such supplies and services by the sponsoring organization maybe used to meet the one-third fund match requirement set forth insubsection 3 of this section.
(L. 1989 H.B. 378 ยง 7, A.L. 1992 S.B. 661 & 620, A.L. 1999 H.B. 701)